Transformed Lives
From the Pastor's Pen...
How do you prove that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Perhaps the greatest evidence for the reality of the resurrection lies in the transform lives of the disciples.
Picture them cowering in fear, locked in an upper room, terrified at every footstep outside. . Yet within a matter of a few days they were transformed into a company that no persecution could silence. They were willing to risk danger, arrest, and beating, even death to proclaim from the housetops of Jerusalem and the roads of the Roman Empire that the Savior has risen from the dead!
While we celebrated Resurrection Sunday last week, the reality is, every Sunday for the Christian is a celebration of Easter, of the empty tomb, of the risen Christ! This Sunday as we worship together and examine John 20:19-31, we will see how the reality of Jesus’ resurrection transformed lives-- the lives of His disciples, and especially the life of a doubter!
I. The impact of the resurrection on the disciples (19-23) As they gathered, terrified in that upper room that Easter Sunday evening, they heard a knock at the door. Two fellow believers from Emmaus slipped inside. “He’s alive!” They exclaimed. “We just saw him!” Suddenly Someone Else was in the room with them—Jesus Himself! He spoke to them words of peace, then showed them His scars from the cross. Immediately their response was transformed from fear to joy! Then He sent them on a mission to represent Him, offering forgiveness and hope to a lost world.
II. The impact of the resurrection on the doubter (24-29) We are all familiar with ‘doubting Thomas;’ in fact many of us have followed in his skeptical footsteps. His initial reaction to their joyful report of seeing the Savior was totally in character with what we see of Thomas earlier in John's Gospel. But the story wasn't over. The following Sunday, disciples gathered again in the same room, this time with Thomas present. And the response of the Savior to the skeptic demonstrates His love for all those who need Him, but who are reluctant to believe. Thomas’ affirmation of faith sets the stage for…
III. The point of the passage to us (30, 31) Are we sure that we have trusted Christ ourselves as Savior? Are we sharing the good news of His salvation without fear? If ever there were a time when we need to be doing this, the COVID 19 crisis is that time. May God use His Word to enlighten and His Spirit motivate and empower us to share the Gospel clearly and courageously.
The “Stay at Home” edict continues in force. Remember the mandates to maintain health at this time: social distancing, staying at home and sheltering in place, hand washing, not touching our hands to our faces, the use of sanitary wipes, and maintaining an appropriate distance between individuals (6 feet, no handshakes, and no hugs).
Also, help is available if you need it. From John and Jill Royal: If any of our FCC Wylie church family needs someone to go to the grocery store/pharmacy to avoid public contact, Jill Royal would be happy to help. Just call or text her @ 817- 941- 1204
And feel free to call or text me with prayer requests or concerns; (205) 999-7322
IF YOU NEED TO, SET AN ALARM TO REMIND YOU OF WORSHIP ON SUNDAY AM. It does not have to be right at 10:45, worship as you are ready, and have communion elements set out
Virtual church does not allow us to sing together, but we will have some music to sing along with, and special music as well. I recommend families and individuals sing two or three songs that are familiar to you. Also, have your communion elements ready!
Worshipping together online doesn’t allow us to pass the plate for our tithes and offerings, but we have established a convenient way to give online through the church’s website ( or the church’s Facebook page. The link for this giving, which will go directly into the church bank account, is We make this available as a convenience since we are not able to come to the church building. You may also mail your offering to the church at PO Box 458, Wylie, TX 75098.
Carrie Gooch, who has put together and posted the Sunday service videos Jim Casteel has recorded, reports we have had 26 YouTube views of our Easter services for the first 16 hours, which is 420% higher than our average. Plus we have gained another YouTube subscriber to our channel. In all, we’ve had 179 views over the last 28 days—a great example of how God works all things—even sheltering in place—for good to those who love Him! I know of one couple in India who worshipped with us on Easter. Feel free to help us spread the word about our services on!
Easter reminded us of the hope of tomorrow and the gift of everlasting life. Every Sunday we celebrate what Jesus did for all of us at Calvary and the empty tomb. How? By remembering Him. By loving Him. By worshipping Him. By praising Him. Easter for us is every Sunday.
A blessed Sunday worship!
Don Hawkins, D. Min. Interim Pastor
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