Celebrating Easter

After the President’s news conference was over one day last week, one of the reporters made the observation that for the first time in our nation’s history we won’t be celebrating Easter. That may be the attitude of many as we move through passion week. But truth is, he’s dead wrong!
We might not celebrate what Easter has become, in that there may be no new clothes bought for that Sunday. We might not hide and hunt eggs in mass quantities. We may not travel home to attend church with our family. We might not see some folks at our worship services that we haven’t seen since Christmas.  But we are going to Celebrate Easter!
In fact, every Sunday is Easter Sunday. Every time we assemble for worship we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pilate couldn’t kill Him,and the grave couldn’t hold Him. If you think the Coronavirus is going to stop Easter, you are dead wrong!. Likely more people this year will hear the Gospel than any other Easter before.
This Easter Sunday, as we have for the past weeks, we will worship virtually online, with music, communion, Scripture and a message titled “Gospel Witnesses, based on Mark 15:22-16:8. A man on a flight from Houston to Omaha told me, “You can't prove Christianity! I'm an agnostic,” I shared with him that there are two forms of proof, laboratory, and court room. Laboratory proof involves replicating a process, such as developing a vaccine for COVID 19. Courtroom proof involves witnesses telling the court what they had seen and heard firsthand. And the most dedicated followers of Jesus became that second kind of witnesses, witnesses who offered irrefutable proof of the death burial and resurrection of our Savior. Let's consider the testimony of these three women this Easter.
First, they witnessed His death (15:22-41) they were present when He was crucified, they heard the mocking words shouted at Him, they witnessed the miraculous phenomena that occurred for three hours, and they saw and heard the response of the centurion, whose own testimony affirmed, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (v. 39)
Next, they witnessed His burial (42-47) they were present when Joseph of Arimathea requested Jesus’ body, and when His body was removed from the cross, carefully wrapped and laid in a tomb, as v. 47 affirms.
Finally, they witnessed the evidence: His resurrection! (16:1-8) after a depressing trip to the tomb, he saw that the stone had been moved, and encountered an angel with an amazing message: “You seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him!
Their role as witnesses was reinforced by the angel. “Come see” was followed by “Go tell!” May we follow this pattern as faithful witnesses to the reality of our Savior.
The “Stay at Home” edict in force in Collin County and elsewhere reflects the new reality we have been living with in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Remember the mandates to maintain health at this time:  social distancing, staying at home and sheltering in place, hand washing, not touching our hands to our faces, the use of sanitary wipes, and maintaining an appropriate distance between individuals (6 feet, no handshakes, nohugs). 
But help is available if you need it. From John and Jill Royal: If any of our FCC Wylie church family needs someone to go to the grocery store/pharmacy to avoid public contact, Jill Royal would be happy to help. Just call or text her @ 817- 941- 1204
Also, feel free to call or text me with prayer requests or concerns; (205) 999-7322
IF YOU NEED TO, SET AN ALARM TO REMIND YOU OF WORSHIP ON SUNDAY AM. It does not have to be right at 10:45, worship as you are ready, and have communion elements set out  
Virtual church does not allow us to sing together, but we will have some music to sing along with, and special music as well. I recommend families and individuals sing two or three songs that are familiar to you. 
Worshipping together online doesn’t allow us to pass the plate for our tithes and offerings, but we have established a convenient way to give online through the church’s website (www.fccwylie.org) or the  church's Facebook page. The link for this giving, which will go directly into the church bank account, is https://give.cornerstone.cc/FCCWylie.  We make this available as a convenience since we are not able to come to the church building.  You may also mail your offering to the church at PO Box 458, Wylie, TX 75098.
By the way, Carrie Gooch, who has put together and posted the Sunday service videos Jim Casteel has recorded reports we have had 143 YouTube views of our services over the past 28 days—a 138% increase! I know of some in India and Pakistan who have viewed! Feel freee to help us spread the word about our services on fccwylie.org!
Easter is about the hope of tomorrow and the gift of everlasting life. Yes indeed, we will celebrate. We’ll celebrate what God did for all of us at Calvary. How? By remembering Him. By loving Him. By worshipping Him. By praising Him. Easter for us is everyday. Let the celebration begin. Let’s sing together: 

      I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today
      I know that He is living, whatever men may say
      I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
     And just the time I need Him He's always near
     He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
     He walks with me and talks with me
     Along life's narrow way
     He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
     You ask me how I know He lives?
    He lives within my heart

A blessed Easter!!
Don Hawkins, D. Min.   
Interim Pastor


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