Moses' Road Hazard
Pastor’s Pen,
Sunday: Moses’ Road Hazards Numbers 11:24-12:16
Bruce Moilan will be preaching next Sunday as we will be returning from the ABHE (Bible Colleges) Convention
It used to be that when you bought tires, they came with a road hazard warranty. As a result, when you were exposed to risks on the road such as obstacles that caused attire to blow, insurance would cover the cost of replacement tire.
One day several years ago I was taking my son to a meeting in Omaha from his home in Lincoln, and I ran across a muffler in the inside lane of Interstate 80. But when I made it to the tire store, I discovered, “no more road hazard warranty.”
There are no road hazard warranties in the Christian life either. But we can be sure we will encounter hazards along the road, just as Moses did on the road from Mount Sinai to the promised land.
Stewardship is an important Biblical principle for each of us to follow: Psalm 24:1 points out that God owns all, not just our tithe (100% rather than 10%). It is both our privilege and our responsibility to support our church and its’ outreach in our community and the world. Since we are not passing the offering plate as a COVID precaution, we have a plate on the rear table for giving. You may also give on our secure online site And remember, as we faithfully pray for the needs of our church, and do our part, God WILL provide.
We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in preparation for Sunday worship as well as those who make it possible for us to ‘live-stream’ on Facebook at 10:45 each Sunday morning, and to post each Sunday’s message on our website ( on Sunday afternoons.
When you enter the sanctuary Sunday, after you are given a bulletin, stop by the communion table where the offering plates are located in the rear of the worship center and pick up your disposable communion cup. Then following the service, please dispose of it in the trash can. (Mark 10:45)
We continue to hold our Sunday services with all safety protocols and pre-service sanitizing in place. We use bulletins printed untouched by human hands, with songs, etc. printed therein, and pre-packaged communion elements. Offering plates are located at the rear, or giving can be done online at
If you still feel uncomfortable attending, feel free to join our live stream on Facebook, at 10:45 AM, which includes communion and the worship hymns. Or the message is available each Sunday afternoon on our website. (
Moses’ Road Hazards Numbers 11:24-12:16
I. The road hazard of jealousy (11:24-30)
a. Two possible rivals
b. The response of Moses’ loyal followers
c. The response of Moses
II. The road hazard of misunderstanding (12:1-13)
a. Misunderstanding led Moses’ sister and brother to attack
b. Moses’ response’-he did NOT defend himself!
c. God’s response
III. The road hazard of criticism and rejection (13:1-3; 25-33)
a. Moses sends in twelve spies
b. They present an evil and unbelieving report
c. The response of Moses and Aaron
IV. The road hazard of Resentment and rebellion (ch. 16)
a. 250 leaders rebel
b. Moses commits the situation to the Lord
c. God judges the rebels
Two major lessons for us…
We will undoubtedly face these kinds of ‘road hazards’
Moses was like Christ in his response
PRAYER ITEMS: Please check the Prayer list in the Bulletin!
John Royal’s father has passed; John expresses his appreciation to the church family for prayers
Bruce Moilan—Continued serious health issues
Carroll Holley – In remission
The family of Glenn Housewright
Betty Housewright-vision issues
Viviana-health issues, further tests
Unspoken requests
Shelly Cole
Shirley’s brother Gary-meds adjustment
As the top two NFL teams square off in the Super Bowl this weekend, many are acknowledging the job of these team’s coaches. Did you know that a Christian life coach can help guide and encourage you when facing the hazards and decisions of life? Christian life coach and counselor John Coleman
Encouragement Live can be heard Saturday at 7:05 PM central time on American Family Radio (90.5 FM) or ( and on Re-broadcast Sunday 9 pm on The Worship Channel
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