
Showing posts from September, 2021

Esther: Developing an Awareness of Destiny

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Esther: Developing an Awareness of Destiny                                                  Esther 3:1-4:17 Sometimes in the routine of life, we get the feeling that we are like a gerbil on a spinning wheel, that life is a rat race and the rats are winning. Then life may be interrupted by something that appears to be a disaster. There seems to be no solution! Such was the case with the Jewish remnant in Babylon as recorded in the book of Esther. An enemy of the Jews, Haman, had determined to seek the king’s permission to eradicate every Jewish person in the kingdom—from India to Ethiopia! But God had two people who were destined to be God’s tools to deliver His chosen people. But would Mordecai and Esther answer the call? ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in pre...

Eliezer: A Faithful Servant

Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Eliezer: A Faithful Servant                                                                          Genesis 24:1-27 Scripture is filled with the accounts of the lives of famous and faithful servants of the Lord… Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Peter and Paul are likely all familiar to each of us. Yet some of the greatest of God's servants, some of the most faithful, are not names we would likely recognize. One such individual, named only once in Scripture, in Genesis 15:2, is Eliezer.  Although he was a Syrian, he had come to believe in the God of the man he served, and although he is not named in Genesis 24, I am among the students of Scripture who believe the servant Abraham sent, mission to seek a bride for his son Isaac was none other than Eliezer.  In fulfilling t...

Gideon: Just an Ordinary Man

Pastor's Pen, This Sunday: Gideon: Just an Ordinary Man                                                                             Judges 6:1-24 In 1924 while visiting a friend in New York City, English artist William Wolcott borrowed some ordinary wrapping paper and did two sketches of his impressions of the great metropolis. Later that year one of them sold for $500, the other for $1000-- princely sums in the 1920s. Ordinary wrapping paper in the hands of a great artist became a great masterpiece. In many ways Gideon was an ordinary person, yet as God enabled him to overcome a series of roadblocks in his life, he was able to accomplish extraordinary things in Israel, things we likely all remember from Sunday school days.  *****  We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities...