The Servant Gives His Life
Pastor’s Pen,
This Sunday: The Servant Gives His Life Mark 15:21-47
In the Olympics just completed, the chief executive made reference to the words of John Lennon's famous song recorded by the Beatles, “Imagine.” The song, with words that reject
the message of Christianity, ends with the expressed desire of many people that “…the world will live as one.”
It’s a lofty goal, but as my friend Dr. Bill Lawrence observed last week, it cannot and will not happen, apart from Calvary. It is only through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross that forgiveness can ultimately lead to a kingdom where Christ will rule and reign.
With this weekend’s message we make our way along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary, where Mark’s Servant and our Savior died to pay for our sins. May our hearts be touched and our commitment to Christ reinforced as we consider the central events to our Christian faith.
We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in preparation for Sunday worship as well as those who make it possible for us to ‘live-stream’ on Facebook at 10:45 each Sunday morning, and to post each Sunday’s message on our website ( on Sunday afternoons.
When you enter the sanctuary Sunday, after you are given a bulletin, stop by the communion table where the offering plates are located in the rear of the worship center and pick up your disposable communion cup. Then following the service, please dispose of it in the trash can. (Mark 10:45)
We continue to hold our Sunday services with all safety protocols and pre-service sanitizing in place. No Sunday school yet, and the nursery is not available. We are now following the latest CDC guidelines which allow fully vaccinated individuals to go without masks. We use bulletins printed untouched by human hands, with songs, etc. printed therein, and pre-packaged communion elements. Offering plates are located at the rear, or giving can be done online at
If you still feel uncomfortable attending, feel free to join our live stream on Facebook, at 10:45 AM, which includes communion and the worship hymns. Or the message is available each Sunday afternoon on our website. (
The Servant Gives His Life Mark 15:21-47
- Summary of the events leading up to the crucifixion
- The upper room and first communion
- Gethsemane and Judas’ betrayal
- Six illegal trials and Peter’s denial
- The Via Dolorosa (21-32)
- The role of Simon
- The place of the scull
- The offer of pain relief
- The crucifixion itself
- The division of His clothing
- The inscription on the cross
- The two thieves
- The fulfillment of Scripture
- The response of the observers: passersby and chief priests
- The death of Jesus (31-43)
- Darkness over the land
- The cry of separation agony
- The final cry and death
- The veil ripped in two
- The response of the centurIon
- The witness of the women
- The burial of Jesus (42-47)
- The urgency
- The request of Joseph
- The response of Pilate
- The action of Joseph
- The observation of the Marys
Death will come for each of us: have you trusted Him ? Are you sharing His message of hope and love? Are you bold in your witness? Things look hopeless…but SUNDAY’S COMING!
PRAYER ITEMS: Please check the Prayer list on the Bulletin!
John Royal’s father-stroke
Ken—pulmonary rehab
Jackie Permenter; loss of husband Jim
Barbara’s grandson
Rbeda’s brother-in-law—spiritual
Darla: Marcia Cruze, peace and pain-free passing, family strength/peace
Kim’s son and mother
Shirley’s sister-in-law Janet—rehab
William Martin-colon cancer
This Weekend on Encouragement Live, Good News is spreading across the Middle East through inspirational and educational television. Dr. Rex Rogers and Dennis Wiens of SAT-7 join host Don Hawkins with details of an amazing ministry, on Encouragement Live.
Encouragement Live can be heard Saturdays at 7:05-8 PM Central Time on the American Family Radio Network ( as well as on The Worship Channel internet radio. ( A replay can be heard Sundays at 9 PM central time on
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