
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Servant Gives His Life

Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: The Servant Gives His Life                                                                                   Mark 15:21-47 In the Olympics just completed, the chief executive made reference to the words of John Lennon's famous song recorded by the Beatles, “Imagine.” The song, with words that reject the message of Christianity, ends with the expressed desire of many people that “…the world will live as one.” It’s a lofty goal, but as my friend Dr. Bill Lawrence observed last week, it cannot and will not happen, apart from Calvary. It is only through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross that forgiveness can ultimately lead to a kingdom where Christ will rule and reign. With this weekend’s message we make our way along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary, where Mark’...

Hineni: Here I Am

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Jesus on Trial                                                                                                Mark 14:53-15:15 Rodney Love, Founder of Master Life Coach Training Institute and longtime friend and ministry partner, will be speaking this morning. Using as his text Genesis 22:1, where God tested Abraham and Abraham responded, “Here am I,” Rodney will share how God tested him and his wife Beth through her ordeal with COVID 19.  You will be blessed and encouraged if you are able to attend, or, if not, can catch the live Facebook feed. Kathy and I will be away, presenting the ministry of The Worship Channel to a supporting church. Next Sunday we will resume our study of Mark's Gospel, considering th...