Christian Ministry
Pastor’s Pen…
This weekend’s service will have a special element, and ordination of a man who is already spent many years in ministry, especially as a chaplain. Arnie Torres served for decades in a chaplain’s role in the US Army. He has also served as a chaplain to Daystar Ministries and as a life coach to pastors.
Ordination by definition is simply a human recognition of an individual's such as Arnie’s call to ministry. Our service will contain a charge to the ordination candidate as well as a message on Christian service.
I want to thank everyone who played a part in our fall Festival. Special thanks to Barbara Bates and those who work with her on putting the plan together and carrying it out. We also appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in preparation for Sunday worship as well as those who make it possible for us to ‘live-stream’ on Facebook at 10:45 each Sunday morning, and to post each Sunday’s message on our website ( on Sunday afternoons.
If you haven't come out to worship with us recently, we sure love to have you! We continue to hold our Sunday services with all safety protocols and pre-service sanitizing in place. No Sunday school yet, and the nursery is not available. We will continue following the protocols as outlined by GA-18 guidance. Face masks, social distancing, no physical contact. We use bulletins printed untouched by human hands, with songs, etc. printed therein, and pre-packaged communion elements. Offering plates are located at the rear, or giving can be done online at
If you still feel uncomfortable attending, feel free to join our live stream on Facebook, at 10:45 AM, which includes communion and the worship hymns. Or the message is available each Sunday afternoon on our website. (
“Christian Ministry” Romans 15:1-33
- Distinctive attitudes in Christian ministry (1-13)
- An attitude of promoting growth and others (1-6)
- An attitude of glorifying God (7-13)
- Distinctive activities in Christian ministry (14-33)
- A particular ministry (14-17)
- A powerful ministry (18-21)
- A purposeful ministry (22-29)
- A prayerful ministry (30-33)
Prayer items:
Let’s remember Carroll and Kay Holley and family in the passing of Holley’s mother
The family of Evelyn Henderson, and of Robert Shirley
Jimmy McDaniel
Bobby Ayala’s mother is improved healthwise
Pamela Brannon, recovering from knee surgery.
Barbara’s nephew and wife: she’s in ICU, they are losing their house
Dennis Ramsey’s mother is battling two cancers plus other health issues. Kim would appreciate our prayers for her health and her son Kevin
The family of Judy Moblee
Feel free to contact me with urgent prayer requests, and I will include them in my weekly ‘Pastor’s Pen’ texts
RADIO THIS EVENING: Life Coaching is a valuable tool for encouraging those who are going through hard times. Certified life coach and minister John Coleman will join me on this weekend’s Encouragement Live to discuss how life coaching can help individuals through the challenges we’ve been facing in 2020.
Encouragement Live can be heard tonight at 7:05 pm Central Time on American Family Radio (90.5 FM in Dallas), ( and on A rebroadcast of the program can be heard Sunday at 9:00 PM central time on
May our Savior’s grace and peace continue to encourage you as you trust in Him during these challenging times.
Don Hawkins, D. Min. Interim Pastor
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