How to Handle a Crisis
Pastor’s Pen…
Before we move into our series of biographical studies on the life of David, I felt it would be appropriate for us to examine some of David's best known and most helpful writings. Last week we began with his most familiar writing, Psalm 23. From his background as a Shepherd caring for sheep, David wrote of his close personal relationship with the Great Shepherd and His care for us.
Today we explore another of David's masterpieces, Psalm 37. How do we handle a crisis? How do we respond when life isn't going our way? Certainly 2020 has brought its share of crisis experiences to us, and I'm convinced there are lessons David learned during crisis points in his life that can help us deal with the crises we face.
If you haven’t already done so, let me encourage you to read from 1 Samuel 15 through the rest of that book, through 2 Samuel and the first two chapters of 1 Kings. By doing so you will have gained an overview of the entire life of David, and will be well prepared for our series on David.
As always, thanks to all who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in preparation for Sunday worship. Also, to those who make it possible for us to ‘live-stream’ on Facebook at 10:45 each Sunday morning, and to post each message on our website ( each Sunday afternoon.
This past Sunday we had 24 in attendance, our highest, I believe, since the pandemic began. We continue to hold our Sunday services with all safety protocols and pre-service sanitizing in place. No Sunday school yet, and the nursery is not available. We will continue following the protocols as outlined by GA-18 guidance. Face masks, social distancing, no physical contact. We use bulletins printed untouched by human hands, with songs, etc. printed therein, and pre-packaged communion elements. Offering plates are located at the rear, or giving can be done online at
If you still feel uncomfortable attending, you can join our live-stream on Facebook (at 10:45 am) which includes communion and the worship hymns, or the website, where the message is posted each Sunday afternoon. We are blessed to have the technology available that allow us to still worship, and those in our church family who have the expertise to post the service online.
“How to Handle a Crisis” Psalm 37:1-11
King Saul, the most powerful man in the country, had made it his mission to end David's life. (Psalm 23:14) Would he live or die? You might say his life was hanging by a thread.
However David had learned early in life as a shepherd that God could protect and care for him in any situation. He shares those lessons with us in these verses from Psalm 37.
I. Refrain from fretting and envy
Fretting corrupts your spirit
Fretting is contagious—like COVID!
Fretting is confusing to sinners
II. Rely on His faithfulness
God supplies what we don’t have
God sustains what we do have
God satisfies us about what we can’t have
III. Rejoice in His Fatherly care
Wait patiently
Prayer items:
Continue praying for Barbara’s step-daughter Angie and three children in the loss of Angie’s husband. Also for their neighbor who was on the Cancun trip with J.J. and Parks, who is positive and also has pneumonia.
Donna Hancock is much better. It turns out she was false positive and did not have COVID 19. She has several other health complications
Praise for Ken’s cousin Wendy Jones-successful surgery
Bobby and his family
Kim Ramsey would appreciate our prayers for her health and her son Kevin
Jim Casteel’s sister is improving. Still a little tightness in her chest at times. Also requested prayer for Judy Mobley, recovering from heart surgery
Feel free to contact me with urgent prayer requests, and I will include them in my weekly ‘Pastor’s Pen’ texts
RADIO THIS EVENING: RADIO THIS EVENING: Financial instability on the heels of the COVID 19 crisis has left many individuals uncertain about their financial future. This weekend on Encouragement Live, Erik NeVille, CEO of Teacher’s Pension, joins host Don Hawkins to share wise and practical counsel about important financial decisions.
Encouragement Live can be heard at 7:05 PM central time on American Family Radio ( and on
May our Savior’s grace and peace continue to encourage you as you trust in Him during these challenging times.
Don Hawkins, D. Min. Interim Pastor
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