
Showing posts from April, 2022

Church Function in Hard Times

Pastor’s Pen , Sunday:    Church Function in Hard Times                                            1 Peter 5:1-9                                                          Can you imagine what the church in Ukraine is going through during this Russian initiated war? How can churches even function during such incredibly difficult times? And who is to say that such difficult times cannot or will not come to us in the USA? 1 Peter was written to churches in Asia Minor which are going through similar difficulties, and with his pastor's heart, Peter wrote clear instructions for the church leaders, and for the church as a whole. ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in in ...

Eight Milestones from the Eight Days of Passion Week: Part 2

Pastor’s Pen , Sunday:    Eight Milestones from the Eight Days of Passion Week: Part 2 (Luke 22:7-34)                                                          Never in human history has there been a week like the one we began examining the last Sunday, the week we refer to as Passion Week. The eight days between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday were the most important days in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. We know this because fully one third of the content of the four Gospels was devoted to the events of that week. Since we have been studying first and second Peter on Sunday mornings, I felt it appropriate for us to examine eight milestones from these eight days primarily through the life of this most prominent disciple. Last week we considered the first four milestones: the triumphal entry, the encounter with the fig tree,...

Eight Milestones from the Eight Days of Passion Week

Pastor’s Pen , Sunday:    Eight Milestones from the Eight Days of Passion Week: Part 1 (Luke 19:28-44)                                                          This Sunday marks the beginning of the most important eight days in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Fully a third of the content of the four Gospels covers the events of these eight days.  Since we are studying the writings of Peter, I felt it would be most appropriate for us to view eight milestone events from these eight days through the lens of Peter, which will give us a fuller appreciation of this time in our Savior's life as well as an opportunity to make application to our personal spiritual journey. ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in in in in in in in in in in in preparation for Sunday worship ...

Where Suffering Leads

Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday:    Where Suffering Leads                                                           1Peter 4:12-19 It isn't hard to live the Christian life when things are going well. Most of us have discovered that when we are healthy, financially stable and not involved in interpersonal conflicts, we can live in a way that glorifies the Lord without too much trouble. But what about when things go wrong? When we suffer financial ruin, when family relationships crumble, when dreaded diseases ruin our health, when sorrow and disappointment invade our lives,  or when we may be called on to suffer persecution-- how does that affect our walk with the Lord? We have no guarantees in life, and received this in light of COVID and the conflict in Ukraine. But when we do suffer hardship, Peter’s reminder as he wrote to Chr...