
Showing posts from January, 2022

Spiritual Growth

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Spiritual Growth                                                                                           1 Peter 2:1-3   One of the most fascinating elements of parenting is to watch your children grow.  Think of the journey each child takes, from infancy to toddlerhood. Before you know it they're off to elementary school, and before long the graduating from high school. Their body grows and takes shape, the young men began to shave, the young ladies begin to use makeup and change their wardrobe. But one of the most important times of human growth is the kind Peter addresses in our text of this weekend. It's spiritual growth. And it's important to realize that it isn't automatic. Sometimes people who are chronologica...

Christian Character

Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Christian Character                                                                                           1 Peter 1:13-25   Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Are you doing with them?  Many people make resolutions at the beginning of the New Year, to exercise, quit smoking, lose weight, and eat more healthy foods. The problem is, those resolutions often fade out of existence by the end of January. But there are changes that God wants to bring into our lives. He does so through the power of his Holy Spirit who lives within each believer, and he wants to bring about lasting change. We call this Christian character, and it's not so much what you do as who you are, and who you are becoming in Christ. As Peter wrote...

Our Amazing Inheritance

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Our Amazing Inheritance                                                                                            1 Peter 1:1-13   Some years ago we watched a fascinating situation in which the Boy Scouts, the Mormon church and dozens of frustrated individuals from Nevada to Texas to California. What did they all have in common? They were all focused on Howard Hughes’ will. It's not surprising that when someone with money down is there's a great deal of interest in who will inherit. But for those of us who are believers there is something far better to look forward to and any financial inheritance here.  Scripture makes it clear that our salvation includes God's gift and inheritance to all those who trust his So...

Hope for Hard Times

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Hope for Hard Times                                                                                            1 Peter 1:1-13   Have you ever been away from home, lonely, maybe a little depressed, going through hard times?  Then you received an encouraging letter from a loved one, and your spirits were lifted! That's how the Christians who were scattered through the five provinces of Asia Minor must've felt when they received this letter from Peter. They been under persecution many have been forced to leave their homes jobs and loved ones after they had welcomed the gospel message and trusted Christ as Savior. Godless Emperor Nero had singled out Christians as scapegoats for his troubles in some believers had b...

Portrait of Peter

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Portrait of Peter                                                                                                Luke 5:1-11   A new year is upon us, with new challenges and new opportunities! One challenge I’m facing: I received word Wednesday afternoon that I had tested positive for the Omicron variant of COVID. Thankfully, Kathy tested negative, but we will both quarantine until early next week.  My prayer is for God’s protection for each of you as we continue to deal with this pandemic. We appreciate your prayers for us.  Bruce Moilan will be preaching for me Sunday, an introductory message on the life of Peter, the leader of Jesus’ disciples. This will prepare the way for my series of messag...

Transforming Love

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Transforming Love                                                                                              1 John 4:7-12   What four-letter word can be best associated with Christmas? No, not tree! Love. The most familiar verse in the Bible, John 3:16, links love with the Gift of Christmas—His only-begotten Son. When I receive that gift (John 1:12) I have eternal life. So how should this affect my life? If I am now linked for eternity to the God who is Love, then it makes sense that love will permeate my life and relationships. ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in in in in in in in in in in in preparation for Sunday worship as well as those wh...

Overwhelming Joy

  astor’s Pen , This Sunday: Overwhelming Joy                                                                                                  Luke 2:1-20   One of the best love songs to sing Christmas is Isaac Watts’ “Joy to the World.” With some might ask, how can you sing Joy to the world when the world is so messed up?  Over 800,000 have died from COVID in the USA since early 2020, and the new omicron variant has led to increased fears, lockdowns and mandates. Inflation is on the rise, the border crisis continues, and international threats from both China and Russia loom as increased crime dominates the domestic scene. Yet the heart of Christmas is the message of joy to the world, the Savior has arrived! As we prepare o...

Martha: Avoiding Holiday Burnout

  Pastor’s Pen , This Sunday: Martha: Avoiding Holiday Burnout                                                       Luke 10:38-42   How many times has someone ask you are you ready for Christmas? Usually what that means is, how are you doing on your to-do list? Just think of all the things that need to be done. Baking, sending Christmas cards, buying and wrapping presents, hiding presents from the children, preparing for company, or packing for travel. The list could go on and on. The song says it's the most wonderful time of the year, but in many ways it's the most stressful. That's why like to direct our attention to a woman named Martha, a close friend of the Lord Jesus, and her encounter with the Savior when she had invited the Lord and his 12 disciples to have dinner with them. Like many of us she had much to do, and very little help....