
Showing posts from November, 2021

Aquila and Priscilla: Family Ministry

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Aquila and Priscilla: Family Ministry                                                        Acts 18:1-28   Thanksgiving is typically a time when we gather together with family. We eat turkey, watch football, maybe take a nap. Family is important to us, and family is important to God. As we continue our series of biographical studies of Biblical characters, this weekend we will consider a family engaged in significant ministry, partnering with the apostle Paul to spread the Gospel throughout the world.  Their names: Aquila and Priscilla. As we consider the various facets of their ministry, let's think about how God may use our families and service to Him. ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in in in in in in in in in in in preparation for Sun...

Onesiphoras: A Legacy of Caring

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Onesiphoras: A Legacy of Caring                                                  2 Timothy 1:16-18   This past week at my sister’s celebration of life, her son Michael talked about how Suzi genuinely cared about people. An RN who often worked the graveyard shift in the emergency room, she faced medical challenges that would be beyond the imagination of most of us. But as Michael explained it, Suzi consistently demonstrated her caring concern for patients and fellow staff. We saw this trait in other aspects of her life as well. Suzi would frequently give to neighbors and friends, even when she couldn’t afford to. She loved to share encouragement over the phone (she was definitely low-tech!) and was prayer warrior and supporter. In all of this, she left a legacy caring. In the New Testament Paul wrote to Timothy of a man ...

Barnabas: How to be a World-Class Encourager

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Barnabas: How to be a World-Class Encourager                                           Acts 4:32-37   A number of years ago I was scheduled to record a radio interview with two athletes. One plate for the Dallas Cowboys; he weighed over 300 pounds and was extremely muscular. The other was a slender African-American man who didn't appear that athletic.  However, his name was Carl Lewis and at that time he was known as the world's fastest human. Carl was what's known as a world-class athlete.  This weekend I want to introduce you to one of my heroes, a man I consider to be a world-class encourager. His original name we would have called just plain Joe. He was a member of the early church, and they actually renamed him Barnabas because that name meant the son of encouragement.  In the book of Acts, Luke writes four descriptiv...