
Showing posts from May, 2021

A Mountaintop Experience!

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: A Mountaintop Experience!                                                                              Mark 9:1-29 Have you ever had an experience so dramatic, so unique, that even a Hollywood script writer couldn't do it justice? We have a term for such an experience—we frequently refer to it as a “mountain-top” experience. Our passage in Mark describes what we might refer to as the original mountaintop experience. What Peter, James and John experienced on that mountain was one of the most dramatic events recorded in Scripture. Our purpose this weekend is not just to look at the event, but to see its significance both for the disciples and for us. ***** This Sunday we are celebrating a baptism! Water baptism by immersion identifies us with our Savior whe...

A Mother's Role in God's Plan

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: A Mother’s Role in God’s Plan                                                                              Acts 12:1-25 SUNDAY IS MOTHER’S DAY — PLEASE PLAN TO WORSHIP WITH US, HONORING OUR LORD AND SHOWING APPRECIATION TO OUR MOTHERS! Throughout Biblical history mothers have played a key role. Eve was called ‘the mother of all living.’ (Genesis 3:20) Other key mothers in Scripture include Jochebed the mother of Moses, Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, and of course Mary the mother of Jesus. And let's not forget Timothy's mother Eunice. This Mother’s Day, since we have been studying Mark’s gospel, I felt we should take a look at the mother of the man who wrote one of the four Gospel accounts of the life of our Savior....

Mark's Purpose; Christ's Product

  Pastor’s Pen, This Sunday: Mark’s Purpose; Christ’s Product                                                                             Mark 8:27-38 There once lived a young well to do resident of Israel, whose mother, whose name was Mary, owned a large home in Jerusalem. He may have been the “rich young ruler” of Mark 10:17ff who asked Jesus, “Good Master what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  This young man traveled with Paul and Barnabas, but quit during their first missionary journey. Because of his failure to stay the course, Paul became very unhappy with this young man and insisted that he not be a part of the second missionary journey. He traveled with Barnabas, who provided him with encouragement and discipleship, and later spent a significant amount of time with Peter. If ...