
Showing posts from March, 2021

 Life's Ultimate Question

Pastor’s Pen, Easter is just two weeks away! I’d love to see each of you, especially those of you who have not attended services in person recently at church on Easter Sunday! Will you prayerfully make plans to attend? We are still wearing masks, social distancing and weekly sanitizing our facility! What is the most important issue which our hurting generation must consider? Not COVID 19, nor the economy, nor any political issue.  That most important issue? Who is Jesus Christ and how will I respond to Him? The problem is, so many people are preoccupied with the immediate they are unwilling to focus on the eternal.  As we continue our study in Mark's Gospel, Jesus sends His disciples to be lights to that generation, to draw their attention to Him as the light of the world.  In similar fashion, we who have trusted Christ are sent to point our generation to the One who has the ultimate answer to the dilemma of life.  In our test, Jesus shows the disciples what to expe...

What the Master Offers

Pastor’s Pen, REMEMBER—DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME CHANGE THIS WEEKEND—SET CLOCKS AHEAD 1 HOUR! Recently an epidemic has occurred at our house, not of physical illness, but of the: appliance problems.  We have dealt with an automobile challenge, a microwave failure, a dishwasher dysfunction and a refrigerator outage.  In a couple of cases I tried to come up with a repair or a solution, even diagnosing the refrigerator problem through an online YouTube video. However, each problem was beyond me. I needed someone who had the knowledge and ability to deal with these issues. Our section of Mark’s Gospel demonstrates how Jesus is the Master over all life's problems when we turn to Him in faith. He is the master over disaster, over demonic forces, over devastating diseases, and over death itself.  In the aftermath of Jesus’ teaching through parables about His kingdom, He is about to perform four miracles to demonstrate the validity of His claim to be the Messiah. Thus He is worthy of...
  Pastor’s Pen… Last Sunday in our study of Mark's Gospel, we examine the first of four miracles Jesus performed to authenticate his message and the parables about Himself and His kingdom. We saw the response of the disciples as He demonstrated power and authority over the storm on the Sea of Galilee, proving Himself to be Master over disaster.  This weekend we will take a break in our study of Mark, with plans to resume next Sunday March 14, looking at His mastery over demons, disease and even death. T Since our ‘Valentine weekend getaway’ was postponed due to snow and ice, Kathy and I are taking a break this weekend, and John Royal will be speaking on “ The Husband of Blood” from Exodus 4:24-26. I would encourage you to be present either in person or through our live Facebook feed as John explores this portion of Scripture from the life of Moses. ***** We appreciate those who help sanitize our facilities for services each Saturday morning in preparation for Sunday wors...