Basic Faith
Pastor’s Pen… How well do you understand the operation of faith? It's an important question, since faith is at the heart of what we sometimes referred to as the “Christian religion.” As a matter of fact, the exercise of faith plays a part in much of our lives. For example, when you came into the worship center today you sat on a pew. You didn't check within engineering firm, or have it tested. You simply exercised faith that these well engineered pews would hold you up. Eating a meal, drinking water, riding in a car someone else is driving, receiving a check-- these all involve an element of faith. Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the faith chapter. In it the author catalogs a number of Old Testament examples of faith, beginning with creation and including individuals such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Gideon, David and numerous others. Each example shows us how living in dependence on God is the only way to live. I describe the first 12 verses of this cha...